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Inés C. Iglesias Canle
Universidad de Vigo
Vol 20 No 2 (2011), Studies and notess
Submitted: 02-05-2012 Accepted: 02-05-2012 Published: 02-05-2012
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Law 13/2009 of November 3 for the reform of procedural law guarantees that the judge or court can concentrate its efforts in the work assigned to the Constitution and laws own unique function: to judge and enforce judgments. In this context and taking into accountthe problem of the excessive slowness of the Administration of Justice, is emerging as necessary to other means of conflict resolution, to try to solve the high costs involved in administration of Justice, its mass and slowness, as formulated by the Draft Law on Mediation in Civil and Commercial Matters. In this paper articulates the study of existinglegislation with new perspectives and future lines of procedural law in order to offer solutions in the dark panorama of judicial protection of rights and liberties, particularly in the field of civil procedure.

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