The Impact of the internal dimension on the adoption of social networks in small local entities: the case of the province of Lugo
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The aim of this article, that frames inside a project doctoral wider, is to investigate the degree of adoption and use of various social networks in small local public administration - characterized by unique structural features and very limited resources, but closest to citizens -, assessing the impact of internal factors based on the opinions of those responsible for their management. Using "Enacting Electronic Government Success" as a theoretical reference model and local entities in the province of Lugo as the empirical basis of the study, it seeks to determine whether these digital platforms, with a distinctly social nature, have the capacity to transform organizational processes and whether institutional aspects influence the adoption of these new communication channels within a segment of public administration that has been relatively unexplored in this field until now. As we will see, initial resistance is quickly overcome, and the confidence of local administrations in social technologies is growing, associated with the idea that their incorporation can improve transparency and citizen participation, considering them as tools with high disruptive potential capable of creating, organizing, exchanging, providing information, interconnecting individuals and enabling multidirectional communication.
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