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Pablo Ortiz Barquero
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Andrés Benítez Espinosa
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Alba María Aragón Morales
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Vol 20 No 2 (2021), Articles
Submitted: 15-07-2021 Accepted: 13-11-2021 Published: 27-12-2021
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In recent decades, the growing prominence of the radical right party family of parties in Europe has received considerable academic attention, with one of the main objectives being to study their electoral performance. In this sense, the literature has given a preeminent role to the demand-side factors. The supply factors - which are those that refer to the characteristics of the parties themselves - have received much less attention. Nonetheless, there are reasons to think that, given the limitations of demand-centered explanations, the research agenda on the radical right needs a kind of 'internalist turn'. Or what is the same: a more rigorous and systematized look at the supply-side factors (and especially, on those related to the party organization).

The aim of this research is to examine the impact of the organizational dimension on the electoral performance of VOX in November 2019 national elections. In particular, the impact of two organizational factors -socioeconomic status of the candidates and territorial implantation- is tested, through multivariate analysis. The results show the importance of the organizational sphere in the electoral performance of the radical right in Spain and point in the direction of continuing to deepen the study of the supply-side factors.