Vol 12 No 2 (2013): Monográfico extraordinario “Actores, procesos y políticas en el Sahara Occidental”, Articles
Submitted: 05-12-2013
Accepted: 05-12-2013
Published: 05-12-2013
This study approaches the Spanish parliamentary arena as potential intentional actor in the foreign action policymaking towards Western Sahara. It exposes the main interventions developed, and the issues debated, since the last decade. The case-studies are the Congress of Deputies and the Andalusia Parliament. The findings show the parliament space is not a determinant actor in this policy. The national arena moves in a difficult balance between the good relations with Morocco, as privilege partner in the Spanish and European Union Mediterranean policy, and the recognition of the situation of the Sahrawi people. On the other hand, the Andalusia Parliament has discovered itself as a mirror which reflects the regional governmental activity and the Congress position and rhythms.
foreign action, public policy, Congress of Deputies, Andalusia Parliament, Spain, Western Sahara