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Bernabé López García
Vol 12 No 2 (2013): Monográfico extraordinario “Actores, procesos y políticas en el Sahara Occidental”, Articles
Submitted: 05-12-2013 Accepted: 05-12-2013 Published: 05-12-2013
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This research is based on a finding; the Sahara is an obstacle in Spanish-Moroccan relations, so at least since 1975. The aim therefore of the article is to address two key issues. The first is that while Spain and Morocco diverge in view of the problem, there is no reason they can get to agree on the same solution: a Sahara linked to Morocco with a special status that ensures their autonomy. Spain as former head of the region, can help bring the parties. Morocco for his current responsibility over the territory, he can easier find a consensual solution. The second issue is that this analysis is done from a position that its author has maintained for more than three decades and is the belief that good solution to the Western Sahara problem may be with Morocco, but in democratic and decentralized Morocco, fully recognize plural identity.

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