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  • H. C. F. Mansilla
H. C. F. Mansilla
Bolivia, Plurinational State of
Vol 11 No 1 (2012), Articles
Submitted: 06-03-2013 Accepted: 06-03-2013
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Along history we can observe that social experiments aiming at a radical political reform stand for a just order. Almost all utopian theories advocate also for a basic equality of all citizens and the elimination of privileged elites as the principal goals of just order. Egalitarianism represents still the core of many utopian projects, radical political reform attempts and left-wing political movements, at least in theory. Populist and socialist tendencies in Latin America cling likewise to egalitarianism. But already in the great classic utopias appears repeatedly the same phenomenon: the egalitarian impulse produces ruling groups (and then classes) that are very distant from the low people. They concentrate effective political power and privileges and use egalitarianism as a mere ideological device.

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