Vol 19 (2010), Artigos científicos
Recibido: 27-04-2012
Aceptado: 27-04-2012
Publicado: 27-04-2012
Can controlled burning be used as a management tool of Erica ciliaris and Erica tetralix wet heathlands?Two E. ciliaris and E. tetralix communities were selected and two 5 x 5 m plots were established in each.These were then characterised on the basis of frequency and cover values and plant species composition. Theywere subjected to experimental burning, after which the plots were sampled twice a year during the followingfour and a half years. The results show that the cover of woody species very quickly attained the values of theControl Plots. Diversity and species composition did not suffer notable changes during this period, however,temporal heterogeneity indicates that the main changes occur in the first 18 months of secondary succession.The multivariate analysis showed that the samples registered during this time were grouped as a function ofthe cover values of the species, which shows that stages exist in the vegetation recovery of these communities.The damage produced by fire in the community is minor, as a rapid recovery of the vegetation was observed, socontrolled burning is a useful tool in the management of these heathlands.
Wet heathland, traditional uses, community dynamics, multivariate analysis