The pollen we breathe: Aerobiology of Galicia
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Respiratory diseases have increased significantly in recent decades, affecting an estimated 20-25% of the population. Popularly known as hay fever. These conditions vary in severity depending on the amount and type of pollen in the air. However, the predisposition to allergies results from a complex interaction between genetic and environmental factors, eliciting a specific response in each individual. These diseases represent a global public health problem due to their high prevalence, their impact on the quality of life of affected individuals, and the significant economic burden they impose on healthcare services. For decades, atmospheric pollen monitoring stations have been implemented worldwide, serving as valuable tools for monitoring, understanding, and predicting pollen levels in the environment. This contributes to protecting public health and improving the quality of life for allergic individuals. This outreach article provides a synthesis of current knowledge on this aspect in Galicia, provides digital links for real-time atmospheric pollen data search, and mentions the most suitable recommendations for allergic individuals.
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