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Maria Inmaculada Romero Bujan
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Vol 29 (2022), Scientific articles, pages 1-8
Submitted: 09-12-2021 Accepted: 14-06-2022 Published: 27-08-2022
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In the genus Callitriche L. there are species that may present heterophyly, which does not facilitate their identification and has favored, over time, the citation of various species as well as numerous varieties in their area of distribution. Galicia has not been an exception in this sense, citing different species and varieties of this genus. One of the cited species is C. palustris, a threatened species in the Iberian Peninsula, and included in Decree 88/2007, which regulates the Galician Catalogue of threatened species, appearing in its Annex I, where taxa and populations are classified as "in danger of extinction".

After a bibliographic study and a review of the main herbaria that house Galician material of the genus, (Herbario LOU and Herbario SANT), the following species were identified: C. brutia, C. hamulata and C. stagnalis. Citations corresponding to C. palustris must be rejected, as its presence within the Galician territory is based on misidentifications.