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Íñigo Pulgar Sañudo
Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla
Vol 29 (2022), Scientific articles, pages 1-17
Submitted: 15-09-2021 Accepted: 13-02-2022 Published: 27-08-2022
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A catalog is made with the Iberian endemisms of the Baixa Limia-Seera do Xurés Natural Park. This morphologically endemic flora is made up of lively plants, dominated by hemicryptophytes. The most abundant populations are located at medium and high altitudes, forming part of the vegetation around the mountain rocks and the edge of high-altitude forests (birch and oak) and riparian (birch and alder). From a biogeographical point of view it is closely related to the mountains of the Hercynian arc of the NW of the Iberian Peninsula.

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