New records and corrections of coralline algae (Corallinophycidae, Rhodophyta) for the NW Iberia (Galicia and northern Portugal).
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Coralline red algal flora of NW Iberia was re-visited in the framework of a recent doctoral thesis. The present study provides information about 22 species, from which 9 taxa (Harveylithon samoënse, Hydrolithon boreale, H. cf. sargassi, Lithophyllum cf. crouaniorum, Pneophyllum cf. confervicola, P. coronatum, P. cf. limitatum, P. cf. myriocarpum and Titanoderma pustulatum var. confine) are new records for Galicia. 8 species Hydrolithon boreale, Lithophyllum bathyporum. L. cf. crouaniorum, Mesophyllum expansum, Pneophyllum cf. myriocarpum, Titanoderma corallinae, T. laminariae and T. pustulatum var. confine are reported for the first time for continental Portugal, and Phymatolithon lamii for northern Portugal. At province level, 14 taxa are new records and 8 are second records. In addition, Lithophyllum duckerae and Phymatolithon purpureum are excluded from the Atlantic Iberia flora.