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Federico Rosenbaum Carli
Universidad Católica del Uruguay
No 1 (2024), Papers
Submitted: 17-01-2024 Accepted: 24-04-2024 Published: 13-09-2024
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The text analyzes the proposal for an international labor regulatory framework through offline digital platforms. The aim is to explore the growing relevance of this type of employment in the current economy and the need for regulatory mechanisms that guarantee decent and fair working conditions. The text is divided into three parts. In the first part, the characteristics of work in the platform economy, the challenges inherent to this type of employment and the reasons that justify regulatory intervention are reviewed. In the second part, several existing and proposed models of regulation and legislation that aim to address the problem of platform work are analyzed. In the third part, a specific international regulatory framework for offline digital platforms that promotes decent and fair work is proposed. The text also analyzes the role of the International Labor Organization (ILO) in relation to this issue and the potential for international labor regulation through digital platforms.