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Mª del Carmen Gómez Rivero
Universidad de Sevilla
Vol 43 (2023), Articles, pages 1-39
Submitted: 31-03-2023 Accepted: 03-07-2023 Published: 26-10-2023
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This paper deals with the possible liability derived from the practice of the so-called pseudo-sciences or pseudo-therapies. The vast range of products and services on offer, as well as the figures that account fot the high percentage of the population that uses them, contrasts with the absence of a general administrative regime regulating the activity. Nor does the Criminal Code contemplate specific provisions in this regard, so that irregularities in the exercise of this activity and the consequent harm to the interests of those affected will have to be channelled in this order in accordance with the criminal offences generally envisaged. Throughout the work, the possibilities and difficulties of applying the different offences against property, socio-economic order, those relating to false conduct and those relating to life and health, the latter understood both individually and collectively, are highlighted.

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