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David San Martín Segura
Universidad de La Rioja
Vol 44 No Ext. (2023): Inteligencia artificial y sistema penal, Articles, pages 1-35
Submitted: 01-02-2023 Accepted: 27-03-2023 Published: 10-11-2023
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The prevention of violence against women has been a relevant area of irruption of actuarial techniques for the management of the risks of aggression, especially in the Anglo-Saxon context. Many of these applications are for police use, seeking to optimize available resources under a managerial imperative of punitive praxis. In the Spanish context, the implementation of the VioGén system in 2007 implied the incorporation of a police protocol for the assessment of the risk of aggression (VPR/VPER), based on an actuarial algorithm encapsulated as a software application. The article explores its characteristics as an algorithmic «normative technology». It’s a predictive-oriented technology, but very different in its complexity and abstraction from existing smart policing applications in other contexts. This does not, however, remove some of the problems inherent to punitive algorithms, resulting from frictions between legal and technological normativities.