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Miguel Ángel Morales Hernández
Universidad de Granada
Vol 43 (2023), Articles, pages 1-35
Submitted: 23-12-2022 Accepted: 08-06-2023 Published: 10-10-2023
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The current Title XIII bis of the Criminal Code has incorporated Article 304 ter, which typifies an offence of the so-called "organisation" type, specifically, membership or management of structures or organisations whose purpose is the illegal funding of political parties, federations, coalitions or groups of voters. However, since its incorporation into our main punitive text, this specific criminal offence has received numerous doctrinal criticisms, one of the most relevant of which relates to the problems of criminal concurrence that it may raise. Thus, the aim of this research work is to carry out an analysis of the different types of criminal offences that make up this offence in order to subsequently determine how to solve each of the criminal concurrence problems.