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Javier Valls Prieto
Universidad de Granda
Vol 44 No Ext. (2023): Inteligencia artificial y sistema penal, Articles, pages 1-26
Submitted: 29-11-2022 Accepted: 17-08-2023 Published: 10-11-2023
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The use of artificial intelligence in our society, which encompasses all facets of life, implies an impact on the fundamental rights of citizens, both positive and negative. This impact has been analyzed by the criminal doctrine from the perspective of individual legal goods, and there is a great consensus on the subject. However, the damage to collective legal interests, which are also affected, has not been addressed. The debate on the protection of collective legal goods in recent decades has gone beyond the protection of the State to encompass the protection of society. Once the relevant legal goods have been selected, the cases of damage to them will be analyzed with the use of artificial intelligence for which information is available, to analyze the legal good that has been damaged and its extent. Although the injury to the legal good can be affirmed, the wording of the criminal type does not allow the correct protection of the same by means of the penal code. To this end, two solutions are proposed to adapt the types to the reality that we are facing with the use of artificial intelligence in our society.