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Cristina San Miguel Caso
Universidad de Cantabria
Vol 44 No Ext. (2023): Inteligencia artificial y sistema penal, Articles, pages 1-23
Submitted: 21-11-2022 Accepted: 16-04-2023 Published: 27-11-2023
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The binomial that is generated, after the use of intelligent systems in the legal field, between procedural efficiency and the rights and guarantees that assist the parties in criminal proceedings, highlights the opportunity to carry out an analysis of the requirements and characteristics that, prior to their use, intelligent algorithms must have and, also, the data that make up these systems. For this reason, the main purpose of this paper will be to highlight, with regard to the figure of effective judicial protection, the main problems that arise in relation to the jurisdictional function, the motivation of the sentence and the right to appeal in order to, subsequently, develop certain guidelines that, eventually, provide these algorithmic systems with the reliability and quality necessary to be used, for assistance purposes, by the judicial body in the administration of justice.