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José María López Riba
Universidad de Girona
Vol 42 (2022), Articles, pages 1-22
Submitted: 18-01-2021 Accepted: 27-01-2022 Published: 10-06-2022
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The aim of this paper is to describe the police actions carried out to ensure the restrictive measures imposed during the first alarm state and, on the other hand, to propose an explanatory hypothesis to the greater use of these police powers in the comparative context. After a brief review of the legal framework that covers these actions, data is provided on the arrests and proposed sanctions carried out during the period studied. These actions are then compared with other periods and other countries. Some elements to be taken into account to explain this greater use are proposed below. Finally, and taking into account the previous aspects, it is proposed that this greater police control can be explained mainly by the intention to send a message that "everything was under control" in a situation as serious as the one experienced in that period.