Vol 31 (2011), Articles
Submitted: 02-05-2012
Accepted: 02-05-2012
Published: 03-05-2012
Within the suspension mechanisms of the executive custodialsentence planned into the current Penal Code, Article 87 proves to beespecially relevant to cases where drug addicts’ criminal activities aremotivated by their addiction. The present work has for fundamental objectiveto analyze the assumption introduced by this special suspension,in particular the requirements for its concession, the conditions of itsmaintenance and its potential revocation or, in some cases, its definitiveremission. From this analysis, this work will focus on the deficienciesthat are still present today in Article 87 of the Penal Code. Doing so, itwill denounce the inaction of the Legislator of 2010 with regards to thisspecial mechanism of suspension.
Suspension of the execution, drug addict, reform of 2010, alternatives to prison, drug addiction