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Javier Gustavo Fernández Teruelo
Universidad de Oviedo
Vol 33 (2013), Articles
Submitted: 31-05-2013 Accepted: 04-10-2013 Published: 20-01-2014
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The present analysis shows how a break up decision (either divorce or separation) in couples living a situation of intense domination, or just even its mere announcement has become nowadays the mainsource or triggering factor for femicides (that is, women’s violent killing by their partners). So we have checked, on the one hand, that this risk factor is far more important than the second great break-up triggering stimulus, namely, filing a judicial or police complaint on abuse. Both instances, complaint and separation, are partially independent from one another in the sense that an extensive set of measures for the victims’ physical protection is immediately activated by abuse reporting whereas a separation process is not followed by any response on the side of the system and subsequently leaves women in the most absolute helplessness and facing a potentially high-risk situation. All this needs to be corrected by the authorities. Examining other concurrent circumstances (i. e., crime scene and weapon used) helps confirm that the State should intervene to prevent further violent assaults against women and their subsequent killing.

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