OPPORTUNITY OF THE WORK. The subject chosen is timely? It presents sufficient interest as to be spread? It is notable inside the area of the penal Right, the criminology or affine fields?*

METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES. The methodology employed is adapted? The argumentative line followed is coherent with the conclusions reached and with the aims of the work?*

ADECUACIÓN BIBLIOGRAPHIC. The bibliography employed is updated and very selected? It is sufficient? They exist errors in the presentation of the bibliography?*

CARE OF THE LANGUAGE. The work is properly writing and drafted?*

ILLUSTRATIONS, TABLES And GRAPHIC. It contains an appropriate number of illustrations, tables and/or graphic? The quality of which contain  is the suitable?*

EXTENSION OF THE WORK. The article presents a suitable extension to his ends?*

PUBLIC RECEPTOR. It treats  of a work headed to specialists? To university? To students? To the public in general?*

GLOBAL ASSESSMENT. It treats  of a work publicable in the Magazine Penal Studies and Criminológicos?*


QUALIFICATION OF WORK, IN TERMS OF SCIENTIFIC QUALITY, IN A SCALE OF 1 (DROP) to 5 (VERY HIGH). (Mark with a cross in front of the number that consider  appropriate)*


* Campos obligatorios