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Teresa Trinidad Rodríguez Molina
Universidad de Jaén
Vol 23 No 1 (2024): Revista RIPS, Articles
Submitted: 24-01-2024 Accepted: 30-04-2024 Published: 27-06-2024
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The objective of this proposal focuses on examining current capitalism and its tense relationship with democracy, proposing a socio-historical and political reflection on whether we should understand its latest transformation, and current economic liberalism, as one of the risks and significant challenges in the 21st
Two main ideas would support it. On the one hand, the political crisis of the last capitalism reflects the general crisis of Western culture, manifested in the growing political disaffection not unrelated to the collapse of the Welfare State and the era of Fordism, in a globalized context of proletarianization, deregulation, non-job and privatization. On the other hand, the main argument of this work attempts to examine the present time, emphasizing the changes and the social and political consequences of the latest capitalism, focussing the arguments in the unexpected characters forgotten by abundance, the middle class, now very distant from the bourgeois ideal (a crisis referred here as the shock of the gentle people). In fact, never have hear us democracy possible without that middle class and without Enlightenment bourgeois’ ideal.