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Javier Seijo
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Vol 24 No 2 (2024): Revista RIPS, Articles
Submitted: 22-12-2023 Accepted: 26-12-2023 Published: 18-12-2024
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This study proposes an interpretative and descriptive analysis of the paradigmatic evolution of Public Administration and its vision of transformative social change. On the other hand, the proposal investigates how the meaning of Public Administration Science emerges, the relevance of studies associated with management, which are the main fields of development and how a hybrid evolution is implemented from three ideal approaches of interaction between citizens and public servants. The first, the Old Public Administration. The second, the approach of conservatism and New Public Management. The third, the ideal of democratisation of Public Administration. Finally, the proposal analyses the vision of vertebration that consolidates the function of public administration and management through an action of social change, in the academy, with the concept of social and democratic innovation.