The role of socioeconomic origin in the formation of human capital and its impact on the quality of employment in Galicia
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Job insecurity involves a problematic issue in the labour market that can persist over time, restricting the professional development and economic and social opportunities of young people. The aim of this paper is to examine the quality of employment and the labour insertion of youth in Galicia, analysing how personal, family, and educational characteristics influence the quality of their jobs. The research uses the Survey of Educational-Formative Transition and Labour Insertion and applies an econometric model to investigate how personal, family, and educational characteristics influence a synthetic indicator of job quality. This indicator synthesizes the contractual relationships, income, and labour characteristics of the sector, and allows us to approximate exposure to job insecurity and job quality. The results show that both female gender and lower educational level have a larger impact on the exposure to the risk of job insecurity. Maternal education also influences this result. The need for higher human capital allocation to overcome social and economic vulnerability in Galicia and for policies that promote support and guidance, especially for those who have been out of the education system for some time or with complicated school trajectories, is highlighted.
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