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Francisco Ramón Villaplana Jiménez
Universidad de Murcia
Vol 20 No 2 (2021), Articles
Submitted: 03-10-2021 Accepted: 19-11-2021 Published: 27-12-2021
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This paper shows and analyzes the incorporation of open government into public security policies based on relevant and pioneering cases put into practice at a global level. Public safety is presented as an inalienable need of societies, in the face of threats such as terrorism, crime, catastrophes and episodes of collective violence. The current state of open government as a style of government is briefly reviewed and the main organizations responsible for the matter on the international scene are identified. The high potential for applying open government to public security policies is highlighted, being especially useful for developing anti-corruption, crime prevention and police efficiency measures, among others. Cases such as the USAID Global Development Laboratory, the search portal for dangerous criminals Europe's Most Wanted Fugitives and the missing persons portal of the CNDES, the Alertcops police application or the Covid-19 contagion tracking applications such as Corona-Warn-App They exemplify a growing interest of governments to promote the participation and collaboration of civil society in maintaining social peace and protecting the community itself.