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Ignacio Garcia Marin
Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset; El Colegio de México
Vol 20 No 2 (2021), Articles
Submitted: 29-01-2021 Accepted: 26-07-2021 Published: 27-12-2021
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This research analyzes the relations between the executive and the legislature in Peru in the period 2006-2020, characterized by a marked parliamentary presidentialism and a high degree of multipartyism. In this cycle, three presidential mandates were held by six heads of state, given the growing instability and clash between the executive and the congress (unicameral). The absence of government coalitions and official majorities, as well as the preeminence of non-partisan cabinets, could have affected the lack of commitment on the part of political actors. To this must be added the capacity of the opposition to condition the stability of the governments, including the head of state and the presidents of the council of ministers, but also the secondary role that the chamber took on in legislative matters. Likewise, three phases are identified in terms of the relations between the opposition and the ruling party, evidencing a growing hostility that ended with the situation of clash and blockade that characterized the 2018-2020 biennium and a serious political crisis.

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