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Nelson Alejandro Osorio Rauld
Universidad de Chile
Vol 14 No 2 (2015), Articles
Submitted: 20-03-2015 Accepted: 11-11-2015 Published: 21-12-2015
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It’s possible to confirm in the social science field, the existence of a prevalence of empiric studies about political elites, and at the same time, a lack theoretical reflections in the use of the elite’s theory to study the select minorities. In that way, this article analyzes the sociological dimensions of the agency and structure in the elite’s theory of Gaetano Mosca, Vilfredo Pareto and Robert Michels, with the purpose to update that interpretative reference from a sociological point of view. These reflections will be useful for the research of elite studies, to produce critical knowledge to show the reproduction of the elites and the division between dominants and dominates.

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