The journal is directed by the person holding the Presidency of the ISL&SSL and will have a deputy editor linked to the University of Santiago de Compostela, responsible for the ordinary management of the journal; a Governing Committee of which these two persons form part together with the other members of the Board, the Vice-Presidents and the Honorary Presidents of the ISLSSL, which approves the contents of each issue; a Scientific Committee, which includes a representative of each national member, responsible for the approval of possible monographic issues, the composition of the Editorial Board and the list of reviewers; and an Editorial Board, of a more limited size but representative of the diversity of ISLSSL, with gender balance, academic profile and knowledge of OJS, which manages the review and publication process.

María Emilia Casas Baamonde, President of the ISLLSSL

Deputy Editor
José María Miranda Boto, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Governing Committee
Humberto Villasmil Prieto, Secretary General of ISLSSL
Alberto Pizzoferrato, ISLSSL Treasurer
Janice Bellace, Honorary President of ISLSSL
Arturo Sergio Bronstein, Honorary President of ISLSSL
Giuseppe Casale, Honorary President of ISLSSL
Adrian Goldin, Honorary President of ISLSSL
Jean-Michel Servais, Honorary President of ISLLSSL
Michal Sewerynski, Honorary President of ISLSSL
Kazuo Sugeno, Honorary President of ISLSSL
Tiziano Treu, Honorary President of ISLSSL
Gordon Anderson, Vice President, Asia-Pacific Region
Pamhidzai Bamu, Vice President, Africa Region
Oscar Blanco, Vice-President of the South America Region
Martín Ernesto Bretón Sanchez, Vice President, North, Central America & Caribbean Region
Maria do Rosário Palma-Ramalho, Vice President, Western Europe Region
Grega Strban, Vice President, Eastern Europe Region

Scientific Committee
Mario Eduardo Ackermann, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Susanne Auer-Mayer, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Austria
Margarita Centella, Magistrada del Tribunal Superior de Trabajo del Segundo Distrito Judicial, Panamá
Elias Felten, Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg, Austria
Héctor César Guisado, Juez de la Cámara Nacional de Apelaciones de Trabajo. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Óscar Hernández Álvarez, Universidad Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela. Ex Presidente Academia Iberoamericana de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social.
Alberto Pizzoferrato, Università degli Studi di Bologna, Italia
Ana de la Puebla Pinilla, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España
Maria Regina G. Redinha, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Alexander Skjønberg, BI Norwegian Business School, Noruega
Grega Strban, Univerza v Ljubljani, Eslovenia
Kirill Tomashevski, International University “MITSO”, Belarús

Editorial Board
José María Miranda Boto, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, España
Hugo Barretto Ghione, Universidad de la República, Uruguay
Elisabeth Brameshuber, Universität Wien, Austria
César Augusto Carballo Mena, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Venezuela
Kristina Koldinská, Univerzita Karlova, República Checa
Massimiliano Marinelli, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italia
Rosina Rossi, Ministra del Tribunal de lo Contencioso Administrativo (TCA), Universidad de la República, Uruguay
Ivana Vukorepa, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Croacia