Focus and scope

The objectives of ISLSSL, which are embodied in this journal, include the scientific study of Labor and Social Security Law at the national and international level, the promotion of the exchange of ideas and comparative information, as well as close collaboration between academics, jurists and other specialists in the field of labor and social security law. The mission of the ISLSSL is of an exclusively scientific nature, independent of any political, philosophical or religious consideration.

Peer review process

The papers received will be reviewed by a member of the Editorial Board who will determine whether they meet the minimum requirements for publication (thematic areas of the journal, anonymity, rules of style, etc.). Failure to comply with the minimum requirements demanded by the journal will be sufficient cause for rejection of the proposal.

The papers that pass this first phase will be evaluated anonymously by two reviewers, specialists in the subject studied, selected from the list proposed by the members of the ISLSSL, under a double-blind system. Each of the reviewers will prepare a reasoned report specifying the reasons for acceptance, revision or rejection of the original submitted for review, according to the guidelines of the review form prepared by the journal. Throughout the process, the anonymity of authors and reviewers will be preserved. In view of this evaluation, the Editorial Board will propose its publication to the Governing Committee.

The communication to the authors will be accompanied by the anonymous reports of the reviewers. Eventually, a single report prepared by the editors from the forms used by the reviewers may be sent.

The average time elapsed from the sending of the original to the communication to the author of the result of the evaluation will not exceed 2 months, except for unforeseen circumstances, which will be resolved by the Editorial Board.

The basic evaluation criteria will be the following:

  • Adequacy to the thematic lines of the journal.
  • Originality and scientific relevance of the contribution (topic, method, data, results, etc.).
  • Methodological rigor.
  • Formal presentation.
  • Writing and punctuation.
  • Citation system.
  • Bibliography.
  • Adaptation to the journal's style guidelines.

The evaluators may recommend: a) Acceptance without modifications; b) Acceptance with minor modifications; c) Re-elaboration of the text to be submitted for a second evaluation; d) Rejection. In case c), in addition to uploading a new reworked text to the platform (on the same page of "Active Submission"), the authors must send to the editor of their work a document specifying how the indications of the evaluators have been taken into account. Both the new version and the aforementioned document will be sent again to the reviewers, who must issue a report on the suitability or otherwise of the publication within one month. The Editorial Board, within a maximum period of 15 days from the receipt of the new reports, must study and notify the acceptance or rejection of the article, for final approval by the Governing Committee.

Frequency of publication


In order to shorten waiting times in the editorial process, articles will be published in continuous flow mode, without waiting for the complete integration of the issues. Each article will be published as it is coded in JATS and formatted, so it will have independent pagination.

Open access policy

Labor provides unrestricted access to all of its content.

There is no cost to authors for publication.

Liability disclaimer

Labor is not responsible for the content of any article and the fact that it permits its dissemination does not necessarily imply conformity with the theses expressed.

The editor, in any case, disclaims any liability for any infringement of intellectual property rights by the author.

Review form

Ethical guidelines

The publication of scientific articles involves several agents, including the publisher, the journal management, the reviewers and the authors. Ethical conduct is expected from each of them, with reference to principles, in our journal partially inspired by those provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Best Practice Guidelines.


The University of Santiago de Compostela provides technical assistance and support to the journal management in the use of the web platform, and keeps the software updated and in conditions to facilitate the process of submission, evaluation and publication of papers. It also collaborates with the journal's management in its indexing and in providing information on those requirements that contribute to its better positioning in the classifications in use. In general, it helps to increase the editorial quality of the journal and to improve its visibility, internationalization and impact.

Management of the journal

The journal's management guarantees that the submitted manuscripts are evaluated exclusively on the basis of their intellectual content, without taking into account the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, political affiliation or legal school of the authors. It guarantees the confidentiality of the papers, not disclosing their identity to anyone other than the Editorial Board of the journal. The journal's management may decline the publication of a paper because it does not meet the formal requirements or because it deals with a topic outside its scope. It must communicate, within the established deadlines, once it has seen the evaluators' reports and heard the Editorial Board, the acceptance or rejection of the submitted papers.


Reviewers should refuse to evaluate a paper if they do not consider themselves qualified in the subject area of the paper or if they cannot undertake the evaluation within the time limit established by the journal. The evaluation report should be objective and should be expressed in a reasoned and clear manner. It should avoid ad hominem, offensive or humiliating allusions and the comments should aim to improve the work. Manuscripts received must be treated as confidential documents and their content may not be used in own work. Evaluators should refuse to evaluate articles when there is any conflict of interest resulting from a possible relationship, past or present, with the potential authors of the work or with the institutions to which they report.


Authors should submit papers that present original research on a clearly identifiable, unpublished topic. These should be written in such a way that they can be understood or replicated by reviewers. If ideas of others are used, they must be clearly referenced; plagiarism is unacceptable conduct and its detection implies the archiving of the work or its removal from the web page, if it has already been published. In the case of co-authorship, authors of a paper are all those who contribute significantly to it; each author should be able to identify for which parts of the paper the other co-authors are responsible and must keep the various contents confidential until the article is published. Simultaneous submission of the paper to one or more other journals is a sufficient condition for archiving. If during the editing process the authors discover errors or improprieties in their work, they will communicate this as soon as possible to the editor of the journal, and will collaborate in its correction. Authors should disclose any possible conflict of interest between the conclusions of their work and their sources of funding.

These guidelines are in line with the code of ethics of the University of Santiago de Compostela, publisher of the journal:

Digital archive preservation policy

This journal develops several processes aimed at guaranteeing the permanent accessibility of the digital objects it hosts on its own servers:

  • Backup copies.
  • Monitoring of the technological environment to anticipate possible migrations of obsolete formats or software.
  • Digital preservation metadata.
  • Use of DOI.

The files published on this website are available in easily reproducible formats (PDF).

This journal is part of the Public Knowledge Project's Private LOCKSS Network (PKP-PLN), which generates a decentralized archiving system, distributed among collaborating libraries, to create permanent archives of the journal for the preservation of the original contents and their restoration if necessary.

Anti-plagiarism policy

This magazine is a member of Similarity Check, an initiative launched by Crossref that brings together several publishers to protect the originality of the content they publish.

Similarity Check uses iThenticate software to detect matches and similarities between texts submitted for evaluation and those previously published in other sources.

Interoperability protocols

Labor provides an OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) interface that allows other portals and information services to access the metadata of published content.


OAI-PMH Protocol Version 2.0
Dublin Core Metadata 1.1

Path for harvesters: