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Nicolás Plaza Gómez
Universidad de Valladolid
Vol 24 No 2 (2024): Revista RIPS, Research notes
Submitted: 23-06-2024 Accepted: 16-10-2024 Published: 18-12-2024
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These pages seek to establish a possible relationship between attitudes towards cannabis and ideology. We start from the idea that, while traditionally pro or con tendencies were identified with certain social groups and ideological positions, the current diversity of individual narratives and social complexity may have blurred this association. There is a multiplicity of social factors that influence opinions about cannabis. In this paper we focus on the relationship between ideology and attitude towards the legalization of cannabis sale in Spain, to find out if both variables condition each other or are independent. To do so, we have used CIS study 3318, the barometer conducted for April 2021, which incorporates data on these two questions. We extract information on tests of independence, strengths and the nature of the association, in order to understand the relationships between the two. The results obtained show that there is an association between respondents' ideology and attitudes towards the legalization of marijuana, both for sale and for medicinal use.
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