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Jean-Baptiste Harguindéguy
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Juana María Ruiloba Nuñez
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Vol 22 No 1 (2023), Articles
Submitted: 04-09-2022 Accepted: 21-03-2023 Published: 27-06-2023
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In 2019 Spain celebrated the fortieth anniversary of the first democratic local elections held on June 3, 1979. This occasion provides a good opportunity to examine the Spanish democracy from the perspective of local governance. As a matter of fact, the Transition favored the conversion of Spanish deconcentrated local administrations into decentralized local governments with a real policy-making capacity. Local administration is the level of government closest to the citizens, and as such it has been accumulating several legal competences over time. Nevertheless, the rise of local resources has not followed the same trend. This literature review analyses this paradox through a study of the evolution of municipal governments since the reestablishment of democracy. It focusses on the volume and structure of their policies, on their institutional structure, on the level of fiscal decentralization, and on the strategies to deal with this situation in comparison with the rest of European countries. It concludes by stating that Spanish municipalities need a new local-friendly Transition.

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