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  • Francisco Reyes Santías
  • Francisco X. Cerviño González
Francisco Reyes Santías
Francisco X. Cerviño González
Vol 10 No 2 (2011), Articles
Submitted: 23-01-2013 Accepted: 23-01-2013
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The relationship between the Central Government and Regions in the field of Health promotion, gives important references for developing cohesion in a Regional State. The financial system for Regions in Spain does not involve mechanisms for reducing inequalities among them. There is evidence of variations in health care services utilization. The main mechanism for health system's cohesion may be its own architecture. To preserve the National Health System as a mechanism of cohesion it is necessary a spread social and political debate. Relationship between Central Government and Regions should be based on taking advantage on synergy among Public Administrations.

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