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Pasquale Cerbone
Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial
Vol 20 No 1 (2021), Articles
Submitted: 29-04-2021 Accepted: 18-06-2021 Published: 30-06-2021
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This paper takes up the debate on two perennial topics of Latin American political literature: presidentialism and populism, presenting them not individually as a novelty, but as determining elements of the political system of the different regional national contexts, where it is presented the phenomenon of hyper-presidentialism. Moreover, a new theoretical perspective is proposed by which the interaction between presidentialism and populism is responsible for the existence of the hyper-presidential government, particularly when it is possible to determine the presence of specific factual conditions, which would result from the adoption of the populist style by a mandatary. Thus, based on an extensive bibliographic review based on scientific production on the Latin American context and through a combined reading of sources that analyze both the presidential and populist experiences of the region under consideration, a descriptive dynamic of the interaction is proposed.

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