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Angel Enrique Carretero Pasin
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Vol 11 No 2 (2012), Articles
Submitted: 10-09-2012 Accepted: 10-09-2012
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This work is part of a global project of developing a theoretical framework from which tointerpret the current rise of what has been called “creative class”. In this sense, seeks to break down the possible contributions of what is known as a “sociology of the imaginary” to understand a phenomenon, that of creativity, which recently seems to spread for different areas of the social space (work, leisure, company...). In doing so it examines nuclear elements of sociological current afore mentioned - opened in the sixties of last century by G..Durand and later continued by M. Maffesoli, P. Tacussel, G. Balandier or E. Morin - and its fruitful applicability for illuminating creativity as a sociological reality.

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