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Rafael Leonisio Calvo
Universidad del País Vasco
Vol 14 No 1 (2015), Articles
Submitted: 21-01-2015 Accepted: 08-05-2015 Published: 23-06-2015
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In the last two decades, the Basque Patriotic Left has been a monolithic movement with relatively few fissures that has followed the line marked by ETA in an orthodox way. But it has not always been that way. During Franco's regime and in the first years of democracy, the Basque Patriotic Left was formed by a plurality of organizations that had a common project but differed in strategies, terms and nuances, and in the importance given to the contents of the common project. In this work, we will examine the various political and armed organizations that have formed the Basque Patriotic Left from its foundation to the present day.
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