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Juan Domingo Torrejón Rodríguez
Vol 12 No 2 (2013): Monográfico extraordinario “Actores, procesos y políticas en el Sahara Occidental”, Articles
Submitted: 05-12-2013 Accepted: 05-12-2013 Published: 05-12-2013
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In December 2011, the European Parliament refused to approve the extension of the 2006 UE-Morocco Fisheries Agreement. For a better understanding of the relevance of this decision, this article discusses the background, the context, the factors and the impact that this refusal has had. Thus, we’ll consider the problem of the Fisheries Agreements between the EU and Morocco, the position of the Parliament in respect to the agreements concluded during the eighties and nineties, the conditional support and monitoring to be made to the 2006 Agreement, the events that led to the refusal in December 2011, and the impact it has had on the new round of negotiations on fisheries agreement.

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