Focus and Scope

AGID. Revista de asistencia, gestión, investigación y docencia en Enfermería is a scientific journal whose main objective is the diffusion of the scientific production of Nursing in its four competences, assistance, teaching, research and management, that accepts manuscripts presented in Spanish and English. It has a peer review system for the original articles it publishes. The magazine aims to promote the advancement of the profession by gathering information on the four areas of the profession.

AGID is published exclusively online in open access to the full content of the articles it publishes, as it belongs to the open access movement (Open Access), so there is no cost to authors or readers for consulting the contents and sending articles.

One of the objectives of AGID is to encourage, motivate and support nurses of recent graduation, so it considers research projects and research developed in different settings of undergraduate and postgraduate training official, in order to facilitate the dissemination of them and increase the projection of researchers and professionals of nursing science.

The contents of AGID are aimed at students and health professionals for continuous improvement in training and quality of care.

The information published dates from the date indicated in each article, and is not reviewed or updated after its publication.

Peer Review Process

The manuscripts received in AGID. Revista de asistencia, gestión, investigación y docencia en Enfermería are reviewed by the journal's editorial team, which verifies compliance with the publication rules established for each type of article, informing the authors in the event that the document does not comply with the publication rules.

Once the manuscript is in line with the standards, the original articles are submitted to two external reviewers of the journal, who carry out the critical evaluation of the article. At the time of this assessment, the reviewers do not know the identity and place of origin of the authors, nor the identity of the other evaluator who values the same original, in order to maintain greater objectivity and anonymity in the assessment. The external evaluators of this journal will sign a declaration of conflict of interest at the time of inclusion in the journal, in which they undertake to inform the editorial team in the event of any type of conflict of interest for the evaluation of the original submitted in order to carry out an optimum evaluation of the same.

Once the assessment is completed, the external reviewer issues a report, which is sent to the AGID Nursing Editor, indicating the comments of the assessment and the initial decision as a candidate or not for publication, or candidate for publication after making the appropriate changes that the editorial team will send to the authors.

The authors receive, within a period of no more than four months, the result of the evaluation, indicating in the results report any changes that should be made; verifying, before definitively accepting their publication, whether the authors have made the changes indicated.

In case of belonging to the Final Degree or Master’s Degree Projects section already qualified by a duly appointed court, they may be submitted to an internal evaluation by members of the assessor committee duly qualified for said evaluation, without the need of external evaluation.

Letters to the editor will not be subject to peer evaluation, however, the pertinence, timeliness, innovation; originality ... of the topic will be assessed by the editorial team and advisory committee.

Publication Frequency

AGID. Revista de asistencia, gestión, investigación y docencia en Enfermería is published quarterly.

Open Access Policy

AGID. Revista de asistencia, gestión, investigación y docencia en Enfermería is an open access online journal, related to the Open Journal Access movement, which promotes the dissemination of scientific knowledge without barriers, thus facilitating accessibility to a wide number of users for the acquisition, consolidation, dissemination and updating of knowledge derived from nursing research in its four spheres. Access to the full text of the contents published in this magazine is free of charge, without requiring any subscription or payment for its consultation or download. Sending articles to the journal does not entail any costs for the authors.

Disclaimer and exclusion of liability

AGID is not responsible for the contents of any article, and the fact of its sponsoring the spreading of an article does not necessarily entail its agreement on the theses exposed in the article.  The editor, in any case, is free of any responsibility resulting from the author’s eventual violation of intellectual property rights.

Ethical Guidelines

The publication of scientific articles involves several actors, including the publisher, the editors in chief, the reviewers and the authors. It is expected that each of these agents have an ethical behaviour referred to ethical principles partially inspired in those provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Best Practice Guidelines.


The publisher provides technical assistance and support to the journal editors in the use of the web platform, and maintains the software updated and able to facilitate the submission, evaluation and publication process of scientific works. The publisher also collaborates with the editors in chief indexing the papers, providing information about the databases requirements and, so, contributing to the Journal positioning in the usual rankings. Broadly, the publisher should helps to increase the editorial quality of the Journal, contributing to its visibility, internationalization and impact.

Editors in chief:

Editors in chief ensures that manuscripts submitted are evaluated based exclusively on its intellectual content, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, political affiliation or philosophical trend of the authors. They guarantee the confidentiality of the work, not revealing the identity of the authors to other agents except to those authorized by the publisher, the potential reviewers, the actual reviewers or the editorial board of the journal. Editors can refuse a job if it not satisfy the formal requirements or approach a subject not belonging to the scope of the journal. Editors communicate within the deadlines, once they see the referees and heard the editorial board, the acceptance or rejection of the submitted papers.


Reviewers should refuse to refer a paper if they do not feel qualified in the subject approached or if they can not take the evaluation within the deadline suggested by the Journal. The referee report should be objective and written in a clearly and reasoned style. Reviewers should avoid ad hominem references and offensive or demeaning comments; their suggestions should focus mainly on the improvement work. Reviewers should treat manuscripts as confidential documents, and their contents is not used in their own works. Reviewers should reject referee papers if they show a conflict of interest, for example a past or present relationship with the paper's authors or the institutions they depend.


Authors should submit papers containing original research on a clearly identifiable and not previously published subject. They should not send articles including a substantial part of others papers or books already published. Papers should be written so that they can be understood or replicated by reviewers. If ideas of others are used, they should be clearly referenced; plagiarism is an unacceptable behaviour and its detection involves cancel the submission or remove it from the platform if it was already published. In case of co-authorship, all people that significantly contribute to the paper are considered its author; each author should be able to identify which parts of the work are own and which parts are from others authors, and must maintain confidentiality of the all contents until the article is published. Simultaneous paper sending to other Journals is a sufficient condition for archiving it. If in the process of the paper edition the authors find errors or improprieties, they should communicate to the editors in chief as soon as possible and cooperate in their correction. Authors should communicate the potential conflict of interest between the paper findings and the financial support.

These guidelines are consistent with the ethical code of the University of Santiago de Compostela, institution to which this Journal belongs.