El trabajo que le importa al derecho del trabajo: revisitando la subordinación
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Until the middle of the 20th century, the preeminence of the classic waged work made marginal the interest of the doctrine in the study of the subordination or definition of the worker. Thus, the boundaries of labor law were peaceful for decades. However, this consensus has come into dispute with the emergence and rise of new forms of productive organization. Thus, the reconfiguration of the world of work invites us to discuss the basis of subordination. This research proposes a reconceptualization using the concept of labor process. To this end, it reviews the theoretical bases proposed by the classic Latin American labor law literature, highlighting that, in its construction, the proposed definition needed to be supported by a theory. Then, it is shown how this deficiency correlates with contemporary literature expressed in the “new signs of subordination” thesis as a formula to cover the new forms of labor services. From this perspective, this proposal allows us to reorient the discussion on the concept of subordinate work.
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