Linguistic codes from the Internet and the Galician Linguistic Landscape
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In this study we analyze the social projection of new linguistic codes originating from technological advances, and, in particular, from computer-mediated communication systems. We aim to ascertain, on the one hand, the extent of their presence in the language of advertising, a sphere in which these linguistic practices are increasingly common, and, on the other hand, their impact on the Linguistic Landscape, a space with a high concentration of advertising and where these new writing systems are increasingly visible. This is done with several objectives in mind: firstly, to determine the degree of expansion shown by writing systems originating from the Internet and to describe their origin, the motivations which explain their use, and social attitudes towards them; secondly, to highlight the potential of these codes in certain spheres which go beyond the communicative or linguistic domain in which they originated, and, in particular, in the Linguistic Landscape of Galiza. Aside from the Galician-Spanish dichotomy and the presence of foreign languages, it would seem relevant to incorporate these uses in Linguistic Land-scape study, since they are also an indicator of linguistic vitality. To this aim, we collect a representative corpus in order to carry out a qualitative, but also quantitative, study. Through examples, we explore specific manifestations, the motivations which lie behind their use, and their social significance. The results support our initial hypotheses and demonstrate, in addition, the importance of adopting a multidisciplinary approach in order to reflect on this type of linguistic innovation and, in this way, on the (socio)linguistic reality of Galiza.
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